Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition

The Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition, formed in December 2007, is a network of CAPC and CPNP projects throughout Alberta committed to collective actions and effective partnerships to ensure healthy outcomes for babies, children and their families. All CAPC and CPNP projects, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canda, Alberta Region are members of our coalition. Currently, there are 28 CAPC projects and 21 CPNP projects in Alberta.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

PHAC Update March 2010

PHAC Update
March 3, 2010

Staffing Update:
Anne Clennett will be the PHAC contact for the CAPC/CPNP coalition once Ann Pasquill goes on maternity leave.

FASD Survey:
All projects should have received an email from their respective PC’s to complete a survey on FASD activities. The completion of this questionnaire highlights the work being conducted in the area of FASD in the Alberta Region. This ensures that FASD initiatives are captured through a consistent and formalized data collection method. By completing this brief set of questions, we are better able to identify needs in the community and strategically plan the use of funds in the community. The FASD activity summary should be completed and submitted along with fourth quarter monitoring report by April 15, 2010.

NPF surveys:
The child health and the environment survey was sent out to projects on February 9th, due February 28th. Thanks to all the projects who have responded – a reminder for projects to complete the survey if they haven’t already done so. The injury prevention survey is expected out in April.

Continuation of Funding 2010-2012:
Most CA’s have been sent out to projects for signing. All agreements must be signed by PHAC and projects by March 31, 2010. This deadline is non-negotiable, so please ensure that agreements are reviewed, signed and returned to PHAC as soon as possible, if you have not done so already. Please contact your PC if you have any questions.

National Social Work Week – March 1-7, 2010:
Wishing all of our social workers a very happy Social Work Week!!

This year's theme is "Social Workers Speaking Up: Poverty Costs:"
Social workers daily see the costs of poverty – emotional, physical, social, and financial. If we want to ensure the health and well-being of all people living in Canada, poverty reduction is the best starting point. Poverty costs people their physical, emotional, social, and mental well-being. During National Social Work Month, social workers call upon citizens to recognize the impacts of poverty and to support its eradication.

Further information regarding events can be found at:

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