Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition

The Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition, formed in December 2007, is a network of CAPC and CPNP projects throughout Alberta committed to collective actions and effective partnerships to ensure healthy outcomes for babies, children and their families. All CAPC and CPNP projects, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canda, Alberta Region are members of our coalition. Currently, there are 28 CAPC projects and 21 CPNP projects in Alberta.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dietitian Survey by Debbie Martin, April 21, 2010

This small survey was done on the request of the Better Beginnings Steering Committee due to financial needs for the program. All 25 projects in AB were contacted and below were the questions and answers.

Questions asked:
1. Does a dietitian play a role in your project
2. If yes what is the role of the dietitian
3. Do you pay for this service or is it in kind

1. 21 projects stated there is a dietitian that they have assess to (at some level)
• 2 projects did not have access but stated they would like to
• 5 projects stated they would like more access (it might be a higher number as I did not ask this specific question)
2. Roles
• Prenatal Nutrition Assessment, counselling & follow up (telephone or 1 on 1) – these referrals are the biggest role for the dietitian
• Project staff - in-service / training / updates /consultant
• Resource development
- education material
- client resources
- teaching modules
• Class facilitator
- cooking circles
- introduction to baby food
- drop in groups
- prenatal / postnatal classes
- grocery shopping
- container gardener
• Attend CPNP meetings (advisory, steering etc)
• Program Coordinator
• Telephone support
• Evaluating classes
3. Hours paid ranged from 35 min to 28 hours weekly for 7 projects. Eighteen projects had dietitian services provided in-kind from AHS. I did not specifically ask how many in-kind hours each project was provided.

1 comment:

  1. Emily Burt-Hann, RDApril 30, 2010 at 8:38 AM

    Thank you for your work on this project Debbie. Emily Burt-Hann, RD, Alberta Health Services-Nutrition Services Calgary-South and Best Babies Medicine Hat, AB
