Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition

The Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition, formed in December 2007, is a network of CAPC and CPNP projects throughout Alberta committed to collective actions and effective partnerships to ensure healthy outcomes for babies, children and their families. All CAPC and CPNP projects, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canda, Alberta Region are members of our coalition. Currently, there are 28 CAPC projects and 21 CPNP projects in Alberta.

Monday, February 1, 2010

15th Anniversary of CAPC Book - article example


Franco-accueil 11 ans plus tard / 11 years later !!!

Our main objective since August of 1998,  has been to provide support to francophone / bilingual (French - English) children 0 to 6 years of age and to their families in the St. Paul region, living in a French minority setting.

Le projet Franco-accueil gère plusieurs programmes tels que celui de présentation d’une trousse d'accueil, pour informer et mieux connaître les besoins des familles francophones ou exogames. Une maman raconte son expérience: « Ce programme nous a permis de recevoir plus de ressources en français afin de faciliter la lecture et la conversation à la maison. Des livres de comptines, des jeux, des DVD et des vidéos nous ont aidés à développer notre vocabulaire quotidien. Les renseignements pédagogiques nous ont donnés des trucs et des activités qui peuvent être pratiqués en famille. Les ressources sont également accessibles aux enfants, ce qui rend l'apprentissage avec maman et papa plus excitant. »

Through our programs we assist in breaking the isolation and the assimilation cycle that develops from living in a majority Anglophone setting. Our programs encourage the physical, social, cultural and linguistic health of young children through early detection, early intervention and prevention programs. In order to support parents in their role as first educators for their children, various parenting and literacy programs are presented through workshops and special events.
Over the past 11 years, Franco-accueil went from a small Resource Center housed in a closet, to a Center filled with rich and varied resources. We have hosted Literacy Events, Health Fairs, such as 2 Early Intervention events “Starting on the Right Foot” and Family Wellness, which enabled parents to meet bilingual child development specialists and discuss their child’s developmental concerns. These events also serve to sensitize and provide resources in French for the numerous community service providers.

Par/By : Louise Reidy, Coordonnatrice du programme Franco-Accueil
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