Hello from the 2009/10 Alberta CAPC/CPNP Training committee!
This year the committee members are:
Dianne Ireland ( Chair)
Diane Sopher
Diane Sopher
Debbie Martin
Kari Degethoff
We are writing you today, to invite you to complete the attached application forms for this years Training Funds and Staff Shadowing Experience.
Kari Degethoff
We are writing you today, to invite you to complete the attached application forms for this years Training Funds and Staff Shadowing Experience.
Here are some guidelines for your applications:
- Staff Shadowing must be completed, with expenses submitted by March 15, 2010
2) Training Applications deadline is – Dec 8, 2009 via email to capccpnpcoalitioncoordinator@ gmail.com
Just as last year, we are accepting applications where you can apply for training dollars in order to attend a workshop, conference, on-line course, whatever meets the needs of your program. You may choose to bring in a speaker to your community, instead of traveling out. You may choose to combine forces with a neighbouring project on a workshop. You know best what your project needs in training, you now have the opportunity to be creative.
- We have a total of $40,000 to divide amongst the 53 CAPC and CPNP projects in Alberta. Therefore, all requests should be for maximum $1,000, and we also ask you to also include a wish list in case we have surplus funds.
- This year we are not accepting applications for training opportunity that you have already completed, only ones you plan from now until March 15, 2010.
- Be creative- is it more efficient and less expensive to bring the training in to your project? If you plan on doing that, let the rest of the projects know…. They might have one or two staff that would like to join you!
- The training committee will meet via teleconference to review all the applications, and as a committee the decisions will be made as to the amount of funding each proposal will receive.
- Reimbursement will occur after the training/ workshop/ course has been completed and receipts and the final training action plan/report have been submitted to the coalition coordinator. Only one cheque will be made to the sponsoring agency or banker of the project. If this arrangement causes a hardship to your project, please indicate that on the application form.
We look forward to reviewing your applications.
Training Committee
Alberta CAPC/CPNP Coalition
Training Committee
Alberta CAPC/CPNP Coalition
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