The Leadership Challenge is about how leaders mobilize others to want to get extraordinary things done. It's about the practices leaders use to transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, separateness into solidarity, and risks into rewards. It's about a climate in which people turn challenging opportunities into remarkable successes. Please see the Leadership Challenge website for more information at: http://ca.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-131053.html .
You have registered for the CAPC/ CPNP Sponsored Leadership Challenge March 1 & 2, 2010 in Leduc, AB. There is some pre-work you need to complete prior to the session, please see below:
1. You will need to complete the Self Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). You will be sent a link, a username and a password by email to do this.
2. After you have completed the self assessment you will need to ask and assign 12 or more observers (colleagues, direct reports, managers and others) to complete the same assessment about your leadership practices. You will do this directly from the site you completed you self assessment on.
3. You will be able to monitor the completion of your observer assessments by the number of observers assigned and completed, but we will not be able to specifically indicate who has or has not completed the assessment. You have the ability to send out generic reminders that will be sent to individuals who have not completed the assessment.
4. Just prior to the workshop your Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI) will be printed by the facilitator and brought to the session for your review and utilization at the workshop. The facilitator will not be reviewing the individual assessments to maintain and ensure participants confidentiality.
5. You will also be sent a pre-session activity to complete and bring with you to the session called Recalling your Personal-Best Leadership Experience. Please take some time in January and February reflect on the questions as we will be sharing this information with each other on the first day.
If you have any questions or concerns during this process you can contact Tracy Bridges at t.bridges@shaw.ca or 780-428-9465(office) or 780-905-5986.
Thank you,
Tracy Bridges
Monday, December 28, 2009
About LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE March 1-3, 2010
Where: The Days Inn & Conference Center Edmonton Airport, Leduc, AB
When: Arrive Sunday, February 28, 2010, Conference is March 1-3, 2010
Who: Facilitated by: Tracey Bridges. Tracy has a diploma in Early Childhood Development and has worked with children, families and practitioners for over 20 years. Her work has included childcare, family support, parental consulting and facilitation for professionals in the human services field. Tracy is the regional training coordinator at ECD Support Services, her role includes training, training development and program support. Tracy’s love of laughter and people fuel her passion for the enhancement of positive lives for children and families.
What: Leadership Challenge
The Leadership Challenge –
Day One (March 1, 2010)
Day One (March 1, 2010)
Orienteering and Introductions
We will begin with an overview of the workshop by identifying expectations and potential outcomes from participants. Review of material and format will take place. This workshop is an interactive exploration of your leadership strengths and potentials.
Introduce the LPI
· Explain how the LPI was developed
· Explain what it measures and what the scores mean.
· Give participants time to review and reflect on their LPI.
Model the Way
Model the Way
Model the Way and the two leadership practices.
1. Find your voice by clarifying your personal values
2. Set the example by aligning actions with shared values.
Review the LPI of Model the Way.
Participants take out their LPI and look at their LPIs. Give them time to look at their answers and discuss at their table some of the insights they have.
Inspire a Shared Vision
Inspire a Shared Vision
Inspire a Shared Vision and the two leadership practices.
3. Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities
4. Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations
Review the LPI of Inspire a Shared Vision.
Participants take out their LPI and look at their LPIs. Give them time to look at their answers and discuss at their table some of the insights they have.
The Leadership Challenge –
Day Two (March 2, 2010)
Day Two (March 2, 2010)
Challenge the Process
Challenge the Process and the two leadership practices.
Challenge the Process and the two leadership practices
5. Search for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by looking outward for innovative ways to improve.
6. Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from experience.
Review the LPI of Challenge the Process.
Participants take out their LPI and look at their LPIs. Give them time to look at their answers and discuss at their table some of the insights they have.
Enabling Others to Act
Enable Others to Act
Enabling Others to Act and the two leadership practices
7. Foster collaboration by building trust and facilitating relationships.
8. Strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing competence
Review the LPI of Challenge the Process.
Participants take out their LPI and look at their LPIs. Give them time to look at their answers and discuss at their table some of the insights they have.
Encourage the Heart
Encourage the Heart
Introduce Encourage the Heart and the two leadership practices. )
9. Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence.
10. Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community.
Review the LPI of Encourage the Heart. (15 minutes)
Participants take out their LPI and look at their LPIs. Give them time to look at their answers and discuss at their table some of the insights they have.
Sharing Our Vision Statements
Participants have the opportunity to share their highlights, challenges and thoughts on their own unique and ideal vision for the future.
Individual Reflection
Participants will spend time reviewing their LPI’s and the information they have covered over the workshop and identify ONE leadership practice they want to focus on.
Participants clarify and communicate their values and visions and identify actions they can take to continue their development as leaders.
Evaluation and Certificates
PHAC December 2009 Update
Public Health Agency of Canada Updates
December 8, 2009
If you have any questions or comments regarding the updates please do not hesitate to contact:
North Zone: Jane Yi, Program Consultant (780) 495-5086, jane_yi@phac-aspc.gc.ca
South Zone: Ann Pasquill, Program Consultant (403) 292-5154, ann_pasquill@phac-aspc.gc.ca
Staffing Updates- Alberta Team
Anne Clennett will be joining the Calgary team as a Program Consultant and will be taking most of Paula’s projects. Anne has worked with the children’s team in Edmonton in 2006-2007.
Project Continuation
By now all projects should have received a letter outlining the continuation of funding for their projects for the next 2 years. The continuation includes 2 years of funding for the coalition.
The updated project documents are due December 11th . Feel free to contact your PC with any questions.
CAPC/CPNP Emerging issues scan
A contractor will be hired by December 14th to scan Alberta CAPC and CPNP projects regarding their work in the areas of obesity, mental health and injury prevention. The coalition may be asked to participate in a focus group via teleconferences to inform this scan.
15th Anniversary of CAPC
National Projects fund has funding available to the regions to support the celebration of the 15th anniversary of CAPC. If the coalition would like to mark this milestone, please let Jane know.
Alberta FASD Coreference - February 8 & 9, 2010 - Calgary, Alberta:
Great news! The Alberta FASD Conference is now open for registration. You can register at www.conexsys.ca/fasd2010 or go to www.fasd-cmc.alberta.ca for more information.
Mount Royal University - Calgary AB - research need for FASD education:
Mount Royal University Continuing Education is in the process of researching the need for education in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. They are gathering information from professionals already in the field to see what their needs are and how they can work to meet them. They have posted an online survey. Please feel free to forward this to your networks. Note: This survey will close on Friday, December 4. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2J8LCKY.
December 8, 2009
If you have any questions or comments regarding the updates please do not hesitate to contact:
North Zone: Jane Yi, Program Consultant (780) 495-5086, jane_yi@phac-aspc.gc.ca
South Zone: Ann Pasquill, Program Consultant (403) 292-5154, ann_pasquill@phac-aspc.gc.ca
Staffing Updates- Alberta Team
Anne Clennett will be joining the Calgary team as a Program Consultant and will be taking most of Paula’s projects. Anne has worked with the children’s team in Edmonton in 2006-2007.
Project Continuation
By now all projects should have received a letter outlining the continuation of funding for their projects for the next 2 years. The continuation includes 2 years of funding for the coalition.
The updated project documents are due December 11th . Feel free to contact your PC with any questions.
CAPC/CPNP Emerging issues scan
A contractor will be hired by December 14th to scan Alberta CAPC and CPNP projects regarding their work in the areas of obesity, mental health and injury prevention. The coalition may be asked to participate in a focus group via teleconferences to inform this scan.
15th Anniversary of CAPC
National Projects fund has funding available to the regions to support the celebration of the 15th anniversary of CAPC. If the coalition would like to mark this milestone, please let Jane know.
Alberta FASD Coreference - February 8 & 9, 2010 - Calgary, Alberta:
Great news! The Alberta FASD Conference is now open for registration. You can register at www.conexsys.ca/fasd2010 or go to www.fasd-cmc.alberta.ca for more information.
Mount Royal University - Calgary AB - research need for FASD education:
Mount Royal University Continuing Education is in the process of researching the need for education in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. They are gathering information from professionals already in the field to see what their needs are and how they can work to meet them. They have posted an online survey. Please feel free to forward this to your networks. Note: This survey will close on Friday, December 4. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2J8LCKY.
PHAC October 2009 Update
Public Health Agency of Canada Updates
October 23, 2009
If you have any questions or comments regarding the updates please do not hesitate to contact:
North Zone: Jane Yi, Program Consultant (780) 495-5086, jane_yi@phac-aspc.gc.ca
South Zone: Ann Pasquill, Program Consultant (403) 292-5154, ann_pasquill@phac-aspc.gc.ca
Extensions/Renewals 2010 – 2011
• At this time, there is no new information. Your program consultant will inform you as soon as we receive information regarding future project funding.
Mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention scan
• Mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention has been long standing issues for CAPC/CPNP projects in Alberta. In order to support and represent projects' needs to multiple stakeholders, PHAC will be undertaking an environmental scan this fiscal year to determine what activities Alberta CAPC/CPNP projects are involved in related to the areas of mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention. How CAPC/CPNP projects define mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention will also be an area of focus for the scan. PHAC is planning on engaging coalition members through focus groups.
Audio Resources for Immigrant Families
These resources will be accessible to CAPC and CPNP projects when they are completed.
For the past year, the Audio Resource Committee of the Alberta Network for Safe and Healthy Children has been developing an audio parenting resource for immigrant and refugee families. The rationale is that new Canadians may be:
• unable to afford translated materials
• illiterate in their first language
• too busy to read print materials.
In a 2008 survey, we asked various Alberta organizations involved with newcomers about suitable content and languages for our project. They recommended content related to babies and toddlers. Of the 25 languages requested at that time, the most frequently mentioned were Amharic, Farsi, French, Hindi, Kurdish, Low German, Middle Eastern Arabic , Oromo, Persian, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Sudanese Arabic, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
We need you
If you work with immigrant and refugee families, we would greatly appreciate receiving your responses to the very brief survey attached. This will help us focus on the parents of young children who would benefit the most from our project. Feel free to share this survey with other agencies and services you believe should be consulted. Please return the survey by email or fax by Oct 15.
FASD Update
I. Institute of Health Economics (IHE) Consensus Conference on FASD: Across the Lifespan:
The Institute of Health Economics hosted a Consensus Conference on FASD on October 7-9, 2009 in Edmonton. The conference was a unique and compelling approach to examine the following questions: 1) what is FASD and how is it diagnosed? 2) what is the prevalence and incidence of FASD in different populations? 3) what are the consequences of FASD on individuals, families and society? 4) How can FASD be prevented? 5) What policy options could more effectively support individuals with FASD and their families across the lifespan? 6)What further research into FASD is needed?
Jury Chair: Honourable Anne McLellan (former Deputy Prime Minister and federal Health Minister) led a distinguished jury of citizens and experts in the development of a consensus statement that included practical policy recommendations.
Scientific Chair: Dr. Gail Andrew (Pediatrician and Medical Director, Glenrose FASD Clinical Services, Edmonton, AB) led an expert panel that presented available scientific evidence to the jury during public sessions to help with their deliberations.
Here is a copy of the program that was presented.
The link to the final consensus conference statement on FASD:
The event presentations were videotaped and will be available through www.fasd-cmc.alberta.cain the near future.
II. Alberta FASD Cross Ministry Committee (AB-FASD-CMC) Update (some examples of recent activity below):
a) FASD Learning Series 2009-10: The FASD Learning Series is part of the Alberta government’s commitment to programs and services for people affected by FASD and those who support them. Please find attached information about the upcoming learning sessions that are open to all interested individuals. Any assistance in getting the word out is much appreciated! Please feel free to pass on the information to anyone you think may be interested in participating. The attached poster may also be printed and posted in public areas at your worksite(s). For more information and to register go to: http://www.fasd-cmc.alberta.ca/home/videoconferencingSeries.cfm .
Videoconference e-learning contact: Erin Day, e-Learning Coordinator, FASD Initiatives, Alberta Children & Youth Services, p 780.422.0420, c 780.405.3376
f 780.644.2671, www.fasd-cmc.alberta.ca.
Alberta FASD 10 Year Strategic Plan: Alberta continues to implement the 10 Year FASD Strategic Plan.
12 FASD Service Networks: There are 12 active FASD Service Networks in place, which provide a single point of access for services and resources for individuals seeking assistance regarding FASD across Alberta. The Networks also provide mentoring services, assessment and diagnosis, and supports and services for individuals affected by FASD and their caregivers across the lifespan. Janice Penner will speak to the 12 FASD Service Networks at the CAPC/CPNP Coalition meeting on October 23, 2009.
III. Promising Practice 2010 Provincial Conference on FASD:
SAVE THE DATE: When: February 8-9, 2010
Where: The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Calgary, Alberta
Summary: The 2010 Alberta FASD Conference is planned in Edmonton Alberta.
Presenters: General Roméo Dallaire is providing a keynote address along with plenary sessions by Dr. Bruce Perry and Dr. Mark Gold.
Note: The Canada Northwest Partnership on FASD (CNFASDP) - National Action Team is planning a symposium on FASD intervention on February 10, 2010 in Calgary as well.
Cost: $150/2 days. Subsidies available. As outlined in the HCYS workplan, a MOA for ACYS and PHAC is underway. More to follow.
IV: Alberta Aboriginal Head Start FASD Training Conference- January 2010
Theme - "Experiences - Challenges & Best Practices"
The Alberta Aboriginal FASD Training sub-committee is planning a two-day training session at the end of January, 2010.
The first day will consist of an opening plenary with dignitaries and a Keynote Speaker to set the tone for the training. There will then be 3 separate panels of 5 speakers per panel. Panel 1) Young adults afflicted with FASD who will speak on their experiences, challenges and best practices in addressing FASD in their lives; Panel 2) Parents of children with FASD who will also speak on their experiences, challenges and best practices from their perspective; Panel 3) Professionals in the field working with FASD and they will also speak on their experiences, challenges and best practices.
Day 2 will consist of 5 simultaneous sessions of FASD workshops which will be either 1.5 to 3 hours in length. They anticipate to have approximately 133 delegates in attendance. Suggestions/ recommendations for panelists are welcomed. Please send any of your recommendations to Laurie Fownes, Alvin Manitopyes and Brad Martin, AHS team, Alberta Region.
V) PHAC FASD – National Update:
a) In 2009/10, the Minister’s Office approved the following projects on FASD (until March 2010):
i) Pregnancy Related Issues in the Management of Addictions (PRIMA): The University of Toronto (U of T) is providing six PRIMA Train-the-Trainer Workshops in Canada. Each PHAC Region in Canada has provided information to the FASD National team on regional FASD contacts – including contacts in Alberta with the AB-FASD-CMC. There are six PRIMA workshop locations and dates confirmed, including: Saskatoon May 1-2, 2009; Montreal June 5-6, 2009; Winnipeg June 12 -13, 2009; Halifax September 11-12, 2009; Thunder Bay October 16-17, 2009; and St. Johns November 6-7, 2009.
ii) The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada is receiving funding to establish FASD Consensus Clinical Guidelines – Screening Women on Alcohol Use (working title). This project includes the development of a national standard of care for the screening and recording of alcohol use in women of child-bearing age and pregnant woman and counselling women by front-line health care providers.
iii) Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centre (CAPHC) - FASD Screening Toolkit Development and Evaluation: Funding has been approved to support the development and piloting of a manual for an FASD Screening Toolkit. The implementation and evaluation uptake of the toolkit is to be done in selected regions and across various sectors (TBA).
iv) Other: The MDCME project with Memorial University has received support in previous years through PHAC for FASD online training. In the 2009/10 year, a project is being explored to enhance the course outcomes, including the development and implementation of a post course outcome evaluation for an existing on-line module. More information to follow (pending approval).
v) National FASD Team Staffing Updates: Manager (Mary Johnson), Team leader (Holly MacKay), 2 Program Officers, Research Policy Advisor, Research Policy Consultant, Policy Analyst, Program Consultant, Policy Evaluation Analyst and Administrative Assistant.
vi) FASD Day – September 9, 2009: FACE meeting took place (Ontario - see Just the PHACs for more information). In Alberta, there were various FASD related activities including a Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network fundraiser and breakfast. Please refer to various emails circulated on events that took place led by various FASD Service Networks and communities.
vii) FASD Tracking Tool:National FASD Team has drafted an FASD specific tracking tool to monitor funding for FASD related Grants and Contributions (G & Cs) and Operations and Management (O & M) programs through the Public Health Agency of Canada. This will pertain to funding for FASD specific initiatives provided through the National Strategic Projects Fund (as of October 15, 2009, there has not been any regional FASD NSPF funding allocations in Alberta for 2009/10).
The Fourth National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD – Facing the Future Together: Where do we go from here? April 14-17, 2010 – Hyatt Regency – Vancouver, BC. www.interprofessional.ubc.ca. Deadline for presentation submissions: September 15, 2009.
October 23, 2009
If you have any questions or comments regarding the updates please do not hesitate to contact:
North Zone: Jane Yi, Program Consultant (780) 495-5086, jane_yi@phac-aspc.gc.ca
South Zone: Ann Pasquill, Program Consultant (403) 292-5154, ann_pasquill@phac-aspc.gc.ca
Extensions/Renewals 2010 – 2011
• At this time, there is no new information. Your program consultant will inform you as soon as we receive information regarding future project funding.
Mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention scan
• Mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention has been long standing issues for CAPC/CPNP projects in Alberta. In order to support and represent projects' needs to multiple stakeholders, PHAC will be undertaking an environmental scan this fiscal year to determine what activities Alberta CAPC/CPNP projects are involved in related to the areas of mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention. How CAPC/CPNP projects define mental health, childhood obesity and injury prevention will also be an area of focus for the scan. PHAC is planning on engaging coalition members through focus groups.
Audio Resources for Immigrant Families
These resources will be accessible to CAPC and CPNP projects when they are completed.
For the past year, the Audio Resource Committee of the Alberta Network for Safe and Healthy Children has been developing an audio parenting resource for immigrant and refugee families. The rationale is that new Canadians may be:
• unable to afford translated materials
• illiterate in their first language
• too busy to read print materials.
In a 2008 survey, we asked various Alberta organizations involved with newcomers about suitable content and languages for our project. They recommended content related to babies and toddlers. Of the 25 languages requested at that time, the most frequently mentioned were Amharic, Farsi, French, Hindi, Kurdish, Low German, Middle Eastern Arabic , Oromo, Persian, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Sudanese Arabic, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
We need you
If you work with immigrant and refugee families, we would greatly appreciate receiving your responses to the very brief survey attached. This will help us focus on the parents of young children who would benefit the most from our project. Feel free to share this survey with other agencies and services you believe should be consulted. Please return the survey by email or fax by Oct 15.
FASD Update
I. Institute of Health Economics (IHE) Consensus Conference on FASD: Across the Lifespan:
The Institute of Health Economics hosted a Consensus Conference on FASD on October 7-9, 2009 in Edmonton. The conference was a unique and compelling approach to examine the following questions: 1) what is FASD and how is it diagnosed? 2) what is the prevalence and incidence of FASD in different populations? 3) what are the consequences of FASD on individuals, families and society? 4) How can FASD be prevented? 5) What policy options could more effectively support individuals with FASD and their families across the lifespan? 6)What further research into FASD is needed?
Jury Chair: Honourable Anne McLellan (former Deputy Prime Minister and federal Health Minister) led a distinguished jury of citizens and experts in the development of a consensus statement that included practical policy recommendations.
Scientific Chair: Dr. Gail Andrew (Pediatrician and Medical Director, Glenrose FASD Clinical Services, Edmonton, AB) led an expert panel that presented available scientific evidence to the jury during public sessions to help with their deliberations.
Here is a copy of the program that was presented.
The link to the final consensus conference statement on FASD:
The event presentations were videotaped and will be available through www.fasd-cmc.alberta.cain the near future.
II. Alberta FASD Cross Ministry Committee (AB-FASD-CMC) Update (some examples of recent activity below):
a) FASD Learning Series 2009-10: The FASD Learning Series is part of the Alberta government’s commitment to programs and services for people affected by FASD and those who support them. Please find attached information about the upcoming learning sessions that are open to all interested individuals. Any assistance in getting the word out is much appreciated! Please feel free to pass on the information to anyone you think may be interested in participating. The attached poster may also be printed and posted in public areas at your worksite(s). For more information and to register go to: http://www.fasd-cmc.alberta.ca/home/videoconferencingSeries.cfm .
Videoconference e-learning contact: Erin Day, e-Learning Coordinator, FASD Initiatives, Alberta Children & Youth Services, p 780.422.0420, c 780.405.3376
f 780.644.2671, www.fasd-cmc.alberta.ca.
Alberta FASD 10 Year Strategic Plan: Alberta continues to implement the 10 Year FASD Strategic Plan.
12 FASD Service Networks: There are 12 active FASD Service Networks in place, which provide a single point of access for services and resources for individuals seeking assistance regarding FASD across Alberta. The Networks also provide mentoring services, assessment and diagnosis, and supports and services for individuals affected by FASD and their caregivers across the lifespan. Janice Penner will speak to the 12 FASD Service Networks at the CAPC/CPNP Coalition meeting on October 23, 2009.
III. Promising Practice 2010 Provincial Conference on FASD:
SAVE THE DATE: When: February 8-9, 2010
Where: The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Calgary, Alberta
Summary: The 2010 Alberta FASD Conference is planned in Edmonton Alberta.
Presenters: General Roméo Dallaire is providing a keynote address along with plenary sessions by Dr. Bruce Perry and Dr. Mark Gold.
Note: The Canada Northwest Partnership on FASD (CNFASDP) - National Action Team is planning a symposium on FASD intervention on February 10, 2010 in Calgary as well.
Cost: $150/2 days. Subsidies available. As outlined in the HCYS workplan, a MOA for ACYS and PHAC is underway. More to follow.
IV: Alberta Aboriginal Head Start FASD Training Conference- January 2010
Theme - "Experiences - Challenges & Best Practices"
The Alberta Aboriginal FASD Training sub-committee is planning a two-day training session at the end of January, 2010.
The first day will consist of an opening plenary with dignitaries and a Keynote Speaker to set the tone for the training. There will then be 3 separate panels of 5 speakers per panel. Panel 1) Young adults afflicted with FASD who will speak on their experiences, challenges and best practices in addressing FASD in their lives; Panel 2) Parents of children with FASD who will also speak on their experiences, challenges and best practices from their perspective; Panel 3) Professionals in the field working with FASD and they will also speak on their experiences, challenges and best practices.
Day 2 will consist of 5 simultaneous sessions of FASD workshops which will be either 1.5 to 3 hours in length. They anticipate to have approximately 133 delegates in attendance. Suggestions/ recommendations for panelists are welcomed. Please send any of your recommendations to Laurie Fownes, Alvin Manitopyes and Brad Martin, AHS team, Alberta Region.
V) PHAC FASD – National Update:
a) In 2009/10, the Minister’s Office approved the following projects on FASD (until March 2010):
i) Pregnancy Related Issues in the Management of Addictions (PRIMA): The University of Toronto (U of T) is providing six PRIMA Train-the-Trainer Workshops in Canada. Each PHAC Region in Canada has provided information to the FASD National team on regional FASD contacts – including contacts in Alberta with the AB-FASD-CMC. There are six PRIMA workshop locations and dates confirmed, including: Saskatoon May 1-2, 2009; Montreal June 5-6, 2009; Winnipeg June 12 -13, 2009; Halifax September 11-12, 2009; Thunder Bay October 16-17, 2009; and St. Johns November 6-7, 2009.
ii) The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada is receiving funding to establish FASD Consensus Clinical Guidelines – Screening Women on Alcohol Use (working title). This project includes the development of a national standard of care for the screening and recording of alcohol use in women of child-bearing age and pregnant woman and counselling women by front-line health care providers.
iii) Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centre (CAPHC) - FASD Screening Toolkit Development and Evaluation: Funding has been approved to support the development and piloting of a manual for an FASD Screening Toolkit. The implementation and evaluation uptake of the toolkit is to be done in selected regions and across various sectors (TBA).
iv) Other: The MDCME project with Memorial University has received support in previous years through PHAC for FASD online training. In the 2009/10 year, a project is being explored to enhance the course outcomes, including the development and implementation of a post course outcome evaluation for an existing on-line module. More information to follow (pending approval).
v) National FASD Team Staffing Updates: Manager (Mary Johnson), Team leader (Holly MacKay), 2 Program Officers, Research Policy Advisor, Research Policy Consultant, Policy Analyst, Program Consultant, Policy Evaluation Analyst and Administrative Assistant.
vi) FASD Day – September 9, 2009: FACE meeting took place (Ontario - see Just the PHACs for more information). In Alberta, there were various FASD related activities including a Calgary Fetal Alcohol Network fundraiser and breakfast. Please refer to various emails circulated on events that took place led by various FASD Service Networks and communities.
vii) FASD Tracking Tool:National FASD Team has drafted an FASD specific tracking tool to monitor funding for FASD related Grants and Contributions (G & Cs) and Operations and Management (O & M) programs through the Public Health Agency of Canada. This will pertain to funding for FASD specific initiatives provided through the National Strategic Projects Fund (as of October 15, 2009, there has not been any regional FASD NSPF funding allocations in Alberta for 2009/10).
The Fourth National Biennial Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD – Facing the Future Together: Where do we go from here? April 14-17, 2010 – Hyatt Regency – Vancouver, BC. www.interprofessional.ubc.ca. Deadline for presentation submissions: September 15, 2009.
Dec 9, 2009 Zone Meeting Minutes
South Zone Meeting
Dec 8, 2009
9:00 am
PRESENT: Linda West Kari Degethoff Norah Fines Annette Hillaby Ira Heidemann Lisa Cottrell Lisa Smith Jane Yi (PHAC) Ann Clennet (PHAC) Shannon Beagle-Thompson Deborah Josuttes Judilonne Beebe May Rostecki-Budzey Marilyn Rees | REGRETS: Donna George Debbie Martin |
Agenda Item |
1. Meeting was called to order 9:10 am at by Kari Degethoff Minute taker – Norah Fines |
2. Approval of Agenda by Ira Heidemann with no additions. |
3. Approval of minutes from Sept. 2009 by Marilyn Rees |
4. PHAC update - Jane Yi (15 minutes) - Introduce Ann Clennet, program consultant in Calgary office, until March 31, 2010 to cover Paula Salter’s mat leave, she used to be in the Edmonton office, 2 years ago, but will be now working in Calgary and south AB. - Project continuation: documents due Dec 11, 2009. - Inventory List: anything you have bought (since last renewal approx 4 years ago) for $500 or more when you bought it, you should list it on your inventory list so they can track money spent appropriately, especially when programs are transferred/closed. This does not include things that were donated in-kind, but Jane suggested keeping a list of in-kind donations for insurance purposes. Also put on items that you also claimed last year on the inventory list. - CAPC CPNP Emerging Issues Scan related to Obesity, Mental Health and Injury Prevention. They have a consultant now who will be doing an online survey and a teleconference for this coalition. They want to find out what programs are doing, successes, challenges in these areas. Might be in conjunction with the NPF projects, ie Healthy Weights which Ruby Canning is participating in. - CAPC 15th Anniversary – might have some surplus funds, but not sure how much. They would be open to proposals from the regions. Amount available could be up to $10,000 available to celebrate this Anniversary. Let Jane know if you want to plan how to use the Anniversary dollars. The National Coalition Group has already put in a request to do nation-wide public service announcements, but no details announced yet. - FASD conference in Feb 8-9, 2010 is open for registration. Mount Royal University in Calgary is doing an online survey on FASD education, if interested log on to website on PHAC update. - On behalf of Tarangeet, all CPNP programs need to check of consent box on the welcome card for CPNP participants which are sent in to IBM otherwise it can’t be entered. - Kari is having trouble getting rural staff to check off, and if it’s not done it is hard to go back to those staff in remote locations to get it completed. |
5. Chair’s Report – Linda West (5 minutes) - Coordinator’s meeting on was held on Oct 23, 2009, when we hired Norah Fines, Coalition Coordinator. She is an RD from Calgary who has worked with Best Beginning. - There was a guest speaker at the Coordinator’s meeting, Janice Penner, from FASD Cross Ministry Group, who presented on high incidence of FASD in our clients. They are interested in collaborating with our coalition. We are now invited to attend a meeting with them on Feb 10, 2010 after the FASD conference. It will be great to increase our connection with FASD programs because so many of our clients need these services. - Linda requests ideas on how to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of CAPC- please email or call Linda. - National Network: (Kari Degethoff): The NN has sent in a proposal for what they would like to do for the 15th Anniversary of CAPC Ø 1st: Create a 15th Anniversary book to remember families from across Canada involved in CAPC. They will interview 26 individuals, 2 from each province to capture what has happened across Canada. Ø 2nd: An audio Public Service Announcement that will be played on radio stations and available electronically/digitally recorded, about CAPC that could be used across Canada, which comes complete with instructions on how to use. QUESTION: (Marilyn Rees): will there be clarification around who is connected around the funders, or will it make things more complicated? Many people get confused about who is funded by whom: ie Parent Links. ANSWER (Linda West): It will be a general message, but you can add on a message that is individualized at the end like brought to you by. |
a. The first coalition newsletter was sent out last week which highlights the activities planned for the 2009-2010 year by the Coalition Coordinating Committee. Also featured in the newsletter are articles about programs around Alberta, Coordinating Committee Members and the 15th Anniversary of CAPC. There will be another newsletter in the new year, please feel free to submit any articles or information you would like included in the next newsletter to Norah Fines @ capccpnpcoalitioncoordinator@gmail.com - Ira hasn’t received the newsletter - Norah – to email newsletter to Ira b. The new Coalition Blog is up and running at the following address online: http://capccpnpcoalition.blogspot.com/ The blog will be regularly updated with information on upcoming events, meetings, news and minutes. Any urgent or time-sensitive matters will continue to be emailed. To make this page your homepage for the following two Web Browsers here are the instructions: Internet Explorer menu bar at top of page: - TOOLS > Internet Options > General > paste address into 1st box that says “To create Home Page” and click OK at the bottom Firefox Menu Bar at top of page: - TOOLS > Options > Main > Paste the address into the box for Home Page and click OK at the bottom |
7. Job Shadowing – Norah Fines - There is no deadline for applications for Staff Shadowing, but all staff shadowing must be completed and expenses submitted to Barb Fratesi by Mar 15, 2010. Barb has only received one application so far. - Staff Shadowing is only a travel subsidy (which includes accommodations and meals), and is separate funding from the Training Grants. All applications go to Barb Fratesi at |
8. Training Committee (15 minutes) –Norah Fines a. Training Grants § Thank you to all who have submitted applications, we continue to accept applications until the end of today, Dec 8, 2009. The training committee will be meeting on Thursday Dec 10 to review the applications and decide. We will let all applicants know the status of their proposal by Dec 11, 2009. § For more information about training opportunities in Alberta, please see the blog as links are listed there. b. Managers Workshop & AGM § The Coalition is offering a Manager’s workshop to be held at the Days Inn in Leduc, AB on Mar 1-3, 2010. Travel will be expected on Feb 28, 2010 to be ready for sessions Mar 1-3. Mar 1-2 will be facilitated by a guest speaker, Tracey Bridges, and the workshop is titled “Leadership Challenge.” The third day will be a half day to facilitate travel home, and will be a networking/sharing time as well as AGM. § Cost for 1 person per program is covered by Coalition – need to submit expense claim to Barb Fratesi. § Last year travel was paid by PHAC, which is why travel was arranged by PHAC in advance but this year everything is coming out of the Coalition budget. § Sue Rossey from the National Network would like to meet project staff. § To participate in the workshop you must do some pre-preparation work 1 month prior to the session. This is an online leadership assessment which you complete, and you ask at least 8 others to complete about you. Tracey Bridges then uses this data to compile a 20 page report which she provides to you at the session, and is used to complete the modules in the 2 day sessions. |
9. Round Table Discussion (40 minutes) Lisa Smith, Red Deer: -Lisa is from Infant Preschool Wellness Program, she was away on mat leave with her second child but came back Sept 1, she is now on CAPC manager. Monique Nicholls resigned Oct 1 as CPNP manager, so Lisa assumed CPNP management role as well. Linda West, Westlock: -Healthy Families Prenatal Program is very busy, and the complexity of the families has increased, with a lot more food insecurity, transportation needs, and disconnection from the community. We are trying to get community to donate more milk and food coupons. We have been awarded FASD network contract and have partnered with Hinton. There are 12 or 13 FASD networks across AB, all funded by FASD Cross Ministry, check out the one closest to you. Ira Heidemann, High River: -H1N1 has caused Healthy Moms Healthy Babies to change some programs, because PH nurses are deployed to flu clinic. The receptionists at programs are now providing milk coupons and fresh food boxes. Clients are also more food insecure than ever before. Marilyn Rees, Pincher Creek: - Brighter Futures Project is proud to partner with Parent Link to offer a cooking program, which has been so successful that they are offering it twice a month now. Also partnering with Better Beginnings and Parent Link to do crock pot sessions, where you learn how to use, cook a meal for family and receive a free crock pot. Using funding from Healthy Weights. Clients are very high needs in Crowsnest Pass. Now having to provide taxi vouchers for those that don’t have transportation. Also excited for 2 year funding continuation. Shannon Beagle-Thompson, Rocky Mountain House: -At Baby Biz, the number of teenage participants has increased; participants in general are high, programs are running 2X /week, breastfeeding support group every Friday and still providing milk coupons. Judilonne Beebe, Stettler: The Child Abuse Prevention program has a huge area to cover, but is based in Stettler, they cover north, south and east. They have had more calls to parents, and schools, and needs are up so they are hiring a new program facilitator in the new year. Have been accessing more victims of abuse via the ER and hospitals. May Rostecki-Budzey, Strathmore: -There has been a drastic increase in clients accessing Growing Opportunities. They are now involving RCMP, and looking for a policy on abuse, which they need for their insurance. Linda West - to email May the abuse policy document that they used for their insurance Kari Degethoff, Medicine Hat: Health Connections Association of Southeastern Alberta’s partnering agency has cut back and they have lost 1.5 positions which increases the CAPC waiting list. Currently there are 8 moms on wait list but CPNP has no waiting list. They have partnership with a literacy agency, to offer a “Growing child, Growing parents class” which has rhyme time class, parenting information and a warm lunch. It is a 10-14 week commitment, but has been very successful. Will be adding active living and nutrition classes in the new year. Very happy to be getting 2 year continuation funding from PHAC. News from Karen Caine via Linda West: - The Alberta Home Visitation Network, the Alberta Network for Safe and Healthy Children, the Stollery Children's Hospital, and the Stollery Foundation are pleased to announce they have hired Luc Bouchard as the new Provincial Coordinator for this very exciting initiative. The Stollery Foundation was able to help us secure funding through EnCana for the first three years of this work and we are very grateful for that support. - Luc Bouchard is a single father of a 2 and 5 year old and has intimate knowledge and experience regarding issues men face as parents. This coupled with twenty five years in the Human Services field, has provided Luc with a comprehensive understanding of family systems, community development and solid interpersonal skills. Currently Luc is employed with Mill Woods Family Resource Centre in Edmonton as Program Services Manager until his contract is fulfilled at the end of January 2010. Luc is quite excited about taking on the position of Provincial Coordinator and the first order of business will be to travel around the province conducting a needs assessment with service providers and fathers. - Luc is planning to spend time in February and March travelling to as many communities as possible and getting to know what service providers and fathers identify as current and emerging needs and how they imagine this work unfolding. If you would like to have Luc come to your community, or have information on programming you think he should know about, he would appreciate hearing from you. - Luc Bouchard will be seeking out individuals to connect with throughout Alberta regarding fathering and our group may want contact or know of potential contacts for him. - Susan Patenaude (Provincial Coordinator Alberta Network for Safe and Healthy Children) is the contact until Luc starts: P - 780-407-6064, C - 780-966-7880, Susan.Patenaude@albertahealthservices.ca . Louise Reidy, St Paul - Programme Franco-Accueil has been very busy with parent groups, and growing activities with children to build developmental capacities. They have a father who will be facilitating a Father’s Parenting Group. He is doing training in January to start up this group. - Art therapist to facilitate workshops for parents on mental health art therapy to be done in Feb. Will do “ages and stages evaluations” at this time as well as bring out mental health services available in our communities to teach clients how to feel better in their life, and be more satisfied in themselves. They continue to welcome parents in their resource center regularly. - At the end of January they are having a literacy event at the Public Library. A community effort to highlight literacy in our community. - They are involved with the National Network of Francophone CAPC/CPNP projects. If anyone wants more information about that network, contact Louise. Barb Fratesi, Stony Plain - Brighter Futures continues to run weekly lunch groups and home visits. CAPC programs are finished for this year, and will start in the New Year. - This year they ran a Christmas Store: an opportunity for children to come and shop and wrap gifts for their parents. Charge $7.50 for a ticket, children age 4-10 get to shop in their store (gym) to buy three gifts for mom and three gifts for dad, or grandparents as appropriate. Under 4 years, $2.50 tickets, which allows them to participate in cookie decorating, play gym, visiting Santa and Xmas crafts. Parents can have popcorn and coffee while waiting for their children shoppers. Thanks to Diane Sopher for the idea. This year they had over 800 shoppers and 50 donated tickets for low SES families. They held 4 sessions this year to complete shopping. Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday morning and afternoon. They collect gifts for this event all year round, including donations from local businesses. - The Minister and Assistant Minister of AB Children’s Services visited their store last night. Linda West, Westlock - Healthy Families Healthy Futures is proud to announce their Learn and Save program has won an award from Persons with Disabilities Council and they are hoping to promote it to the 5th community next year. - FCSS does Santa’s Anonymous programs in the community of Westlock. Diane Sopher, Edmonton - Candora Society has been busy running a children’s toy shop running this month - Cancelled Xmas dinner because of H1N1 - They are also running a Winter sleigh ride, turkey bingos, teas with smaller groups, and bus tours of xmas lights. - They will focus on making TV dinners over the holidays to provide to families in need in January. - Next year, there will be training for facilitators to visit child care agencies and teach how to deal with children’s behaviors. - They are also working to get children into the services they need in the areas of OT, Speech and PT, including accessing services of local practitioners. - Their Crockpot cooking program is going great. Kourch Chan, Edmonton - At Edmonton Head Start, this year we have more children with disabilities involved in our programs. They are worried about funding to services available for these children being cut in Alberta in the coming months. - They have decided not to focuse on Christmas because of variety of ethnic backgrounds of participants involved in their programming. - Looking at mid-long term impact of a Head Start Program. Especially 5-10 years after participation in our programs. Trying to do evaluation with families that have been in Head Start in the past, to see what parts of the program have the most impact using a consultant. - Past staff training this last year: World Forum on Early Childhood Development and Conference in New Brunswick on Early Childhood Development. Irene Van Der Kloet, High Level - At Brighter Futures the H1N1 has affected programs, and sent lots of children home with symptoms but none have been diagnosed cases. They have found it hard to convince parents to keep children who were sick at home for the safety of all families. - They are hosting a Winter Party instead of Christmas Party because of cultural diversity. At their Winter Party, they had a train made out of boxes, they handed out candy to kids, and kids came in their pajamas. - Staff Xmas party was in November to free up December. - Programs close on Dec 18, back in New Year. - Major concern: The mill in High Level is closing and laying-off 240 people, which will affect Head Start in High Level and Fort Vermillion. They are not sure yet if it will cause more people in need, or more people leaving the community. Also affects other industries in the community ie. Mechanics, logging in winter, local businesses etc. - Irene applied for Staff Shadowing and completed it in Edmonton, and wants to thank all the agencies she visited, and thought it was a great experience and very eye-opening. It provided ideas for future programming. She would recommend it to anyone. Lindsay Davies, High Prairie - Brighter Futures’ community does Xmas celebrations in November. This year the Santa’s Little Helper – hampers will be picked up Dec 22. - Taming the Dragon: continues to run but it follows the school calendar. They adapted an initial program that started before all anti-bully programs. Kindergarten to Grade 1 – feelings around bullying and how to deal with feelings related to bullying. - Coats for Kids program has not been doing well because of recent warm temperatures. They are extending it into January; hoping families will come in to get more coats as they are overflowing with donations. Dianne Ireland, Peace River - For the Building Better Babies program – Dianne is only staff, but indirect staff, ie AB liaisons, dietitians, PH Nurses, meet every 2 months to plan and talk about what is working/not, what services and resources we need. - Car Seat Program: They are providing coupons through Canadian Tire for infant car seats for our families. Due to legalities with car seats, they cannot purchase seats and provide them to participants, so we are using coupons instead. They set up credit account through Canadian Tire, which uses donated Canadian Tire Money collected by Canadian Tire in barrels at the store and extra funding from Tim Horton’s and the Women’s Shelter, to make a $50 coupon which participants can use towards the car seat only for every client in their program (approx. 100 clients yearly). LINDA: Good idea for next newsletter! Dianne to send Norah info and picture for the next newsletter. - The Baptist Church in Peace River and Evangelist Church in Grimshaw donate baby baskets that they can provide to their new moms. Suzanne Danku, Cold Lake - Huge client load, outreach workers are all at capacity. - Biggest issue is food insecurity for the holidays. - Difficulties: The local food bank is only open 2 days a week for 3 hours. Xmas food hamper was not advertised to public or agencies. Therefore they are trying to find ways to get extra food to our clients for the holidays. - RUBY: offered to explain Adopt-a-family program if Suzanne calls Ruby. Tina Clifton, Edson - Brighter Futures has found the flu season has hit their community hard. Families have been good at following protocol for staying home for 7 days, and using sanitizer appropriately. - They are getting ready for Xmas party next week. - Instead of toy for each child, we are giving a story book, which they ordered through Scholastics, as well as a Christmas Traditions family book - Janine from WIN is doing a Xmas party, and mom’s are buying a $5-10 infant/children’s toy and have a Chinese auction. This was a parent initiative. Ruby Canning, Fort MacMurray - The Children’s Center’s Christmas banquet is Dec. 9, 2009 for 250 people. - Adopt a family program, 22 families on that list for companies to adopt to be completed by Dec 15-18. - Healthy Weights for Children from Ontario – will be reviewing information learned at that meeting. Michelle Woods, Breton - Brighter Futures is winding down Dec 11, open again Jan 15, 2009. - H1N1 has affected program participation, so funds have been redirected to extra needs during this time of holidays. - In their community families are connected with Food Bank - They are running a meal planning and nutrition session with childcare. - Working with local Registered Psychologist to address ever changing needs of families by supporting workshops in the new year. QUESTION (anonymous): Do we know what programs didn’t get funded or that there are cuts in other programs in our communities ie: CFSA who funds most of Parent Link Centers. ANSWER (Linda West): thinks in the New Year we will find out more. - Thank you to PHAC for funding and with an increase to funding in this difficult time of change. |
10. Upcoming Meetings: - Training committee teleconference to review Training Grant applications on Dec 10 at 1:15 pm - National Network teleconference Dec 15 Linda and Kari to attend - Coalition Coordinating meeting Jan 14 at 1:15 pm - Zone meetings are done quarterly but in March will be AGM, so next teleconference will be June 8, 2010, South at 9:00 am. |
12. Meeting Adjourned at by 10:10 am Kari Degethoff. |
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