Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition

The Alberta CAPC CPNP Coalition, formed in December 2007, is a network of CAPC and CPNP projects throughout Alberta committed to collective actions and effective partnerships to ensure healthy outcomes for babies, children and their families. All CAPC and CPNP projects, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canda, Alberta Region are members of our coalition. Currently, there are 28 CAPC projects and 21 CPNP projects in Alberta.

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Creating Healthy Environments" Conference, AGM & 15th Anniversary Celebration MARCH 01 & 02, 2011 Edmonton, Sawridge Inn

for Registration Information

Tuesday, March 01, 2011
7:15 am Breakfast Buffet
8:30 am Session 1- Healthy Weights
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Session 2 - Promoting Healthy Weights in Communities
Noon Lunch
1:00 pm Session 3 - Networking
Cooking Sessions,Parent Education, Breastfeeding, Community/Funding Partnerships
2:30 pm Break
3:00 pm CPNP 15th Anniversary
5:30 pm Dinner On Your Own

Wednesday, March 2
7:15 am Breakfast Buffet
8:30 am *Annual General Meeting*
9:15 am Session 4 - The 5 Ws of Environmental Health
10:30 am Break
Noon Lunch
1:00 pm Session 5 - ABC's of Childhood Injury Prevention
2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm Session 6 - PHAC Update
4:00 pm Safe Travels